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System configuration Settings

The important system settings in this tab are:

ID Key Default Description
AddedCostLabel1 Cost 1 Text label for Cost 1
AddedCostLabel2 Cost 2 Text label for Cost 2
AddedCostLabel3 Cost 3 Text Label for Cost 3
EnablePicking Yes Needs a 2 stage process to commit the Transfer Outwards form. Caters for one user creating the transfer and the warehouse staff picking and transferring the stock
AddedCostAccount1 Blank General Ledger account to receive the credit entry when stock is transferred. Only used when an In-Transit Warehouse is used on the transfer. Select from the search window (cost recovery)
AddedCostAccount2 Blank General Ledger account to receive the credit entry when stock is transferred. Only used when an In-Transit Warehouse is used on the transfer. Select from the search window (cost recovery)
AddedCostAccount3 Blank General Ledger account to receive the credit entry when stock is transferred. Only used when an In-Transit Warehouse is used on the transfer. Select from the search window (cost recovery)
UseInTransitWarehouse Yes Requires a warehouse transfer inwards form to be used to receipt in transferred stock. When not used, stock is transferred immediately the outwards form is activated
TakeStockOnSave No Only applies when an In-Transit warehouse is selected. When set to Yes, stock is transferred to the In-Transit warehouse on save. No journal is posted until the outwards form is activated. Avoids stock being sold while trying to be transferred
EnableBackOrders Yes Controls whether back order records are created if there is a shortfall to requirements. If Yes, Process Back Orders is used to fulfil back orders by creating a new warehouse transfer outwards form

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